Make money From new social network, update

Tsu is a social network is launching a new network Sebastian Sobczak bull yesterday. This is the only social media stu that pays.The social network that pays you to friend. How to make money on

Tsu advertises it self as the first social network and payments platform combination that allows users to retain ownership of the content they post. As Ello, another recently launched an innovative "anti-Facebook," it's free and invite only.Tsu, the social network that pays you to share.

but tsu seems to have a premise and a more sustainable business model than a bit more utopian Ello, which avoid advertising altogether but may also be reduced after its launch at the end of September

At first blush, the world of tsu works in much the same way as any other social media network. Ad revenue is generated from page views, except in this case, only 10% of the money generated goes to tsu. Of the rest, 50% goes to the profile owner/content creator " let's call him John Smith" and the other 50% goes to the network that brought that particular user to the network 

"Social network s established has built an outstanding business model prosperous in total monetization of user-generated content for free," said founder tsu Sebastian Sobczak. "Why should the commercial benefits of the image, in such works of others and do not give a financial benefit to the owner?

   Markets we participate in a very large, growing and material can compensate for each user - and we are only unique benefit users who do all the work. This is the way the world should work. "

New social network oath that 90% of the revenue will be returned to the user, so that every time you write an update, share photos, or visit a friend's profile, you can earn money for yourself.

So the dream of sitting at your computer all day and make the banks could be closer than you think ... or could it?


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